
Pepper Market Review Week 41 2024

Pepper market remained moribund during week 41. Global uncertainties cited as the reason for this as importers not keen to add inventories as some people believe the Russia Ukraine and Israel Vs Lebanon Yemen and Iran conflicts may turn out to be 3 rd world war.   Vietnam  imported approximately 23750 mts mostly from Brazil Cambodia and Indonesia and exported over 200,000 mts in the first 9 months Cleaning most of the carryover stocks lying in the country making the stock situation very precarious [...]


Vietnam Pepper Prices surges again on Chinese Buying

After super typhoon yagi roaring into Hainan Province, China’s biggest pepper growing province Chinese traders are back in the Vietnam market as the traders are very bullish for next year with lesser crop in Vietnam expected and a substantial part of the carry over stocks already sold with Vietnam crossing the 190,000 mts exports by mid September this year . Local prices drifted late last week and early part of this week took a U turn as the Chinese [...]


Pepper prices flare as output douses

With a fall in output and a rising price, pepper farmers in Brazil too have started holding back their stock, expecting the shortage to worsen and fetch them much more return.The price  today for farmgate pepper hit US $ 7500 today equivalent to US$ 8000 FOB for ASTA Grade Machine Dried a rise of 30 per cent in two weeks according to major Brokers operating from that country . We saw similar price rise in Vietnam new crop harvest [...]


Pepper Prices Surge in Brazil and Vietnam

Black Pepper prices during the week increased by US $ 650 pmt for the machine dried variety in Brazil from US$ 6450 fob from last week end and at close of today to $ 7050 fob.Offers  for 570 Asta grade was not easily available and local prices in Vietnam increased rapidly in the last two days with very little Chinese buying and local prices moved from 140,000 Vietnam Dongs per kilo to 150,000 Vietnam Dongs per kilo.Vietnam is closed [...]


Pepper Market Update mid week 34 2024

Black and White pepper prices in Vietnam increased USD 200 pmt during the course of the week with limited inventories available for sale in the market as from January to mid August Vietnam exported 174,000 mts of pepper including imported which amounts to 25000 mts through official channels and another 15000 mts through its borders from Cambodia and Laos . The estimated out put was pegged between 160-180,000 mts for 2024. Most of the previous years carry over was [...]


Global Pepper Mart Sink as new crop harvest in Brazil and Indonesia gains momentum

Subdued demands from western markets as well as Asian and African markets coupled with new crop harvest in Brazil and Indonesia gaining momentum prices started moving south during the week. Lack of demand from across the Globe is putting pressure on Vietnam where at close of week price was down by 5000  dongs per Kilo compared to previous week. Although locals still expect Chinese  to be back in the market soon but a Chinese trader whom I met last week [...]


Chinese Heads up on weekend ! Will it stir up a hornet’s nest ?

Week 29 a very quiet one  in Vietnam with very little demand from overseas buyers suddenly getting active at weekend with Chinese traders showing their heads up after a gap of 10 months driving away collectors who were looking for liquidity by selling  small volumes to keep the ball rolling . Is this going to be a game changer for a country which is running out of stocks with lower production in current year and meagre imports and guesstimated [...]


Pepper Price closes a tad lower in Vietnam

Black and White Pepper Prices in Vietnam closed a tad lower in the week under review with major operators turning their buying mostly to Indonesia where the harvest has just begun .Since price levels are same in both Indonesia and Vietnam exporters are trying their best not to disturb Vietnam market where most of current crop is already sold and exported . Big buying interest will flare up the market to the disadvantage of the operators . Brazil where [...]