Pepper Prices Consolidates at 2024 Highs

Pepper Prices Consolidates at 2024 Highs

Pepper Prices which opened 8% higher after May Day Holidays is consolidating at highs of 2024 as both multinationals and domestic companies comes in terms with new levels and started covering their short positions after waiting for 10 days.Though at one point there was a feeling that market might drop to the levels prior to holidays which was in the range of 95/96000  Dongs per kilo

but now chances are looking bleak as many consumers have started following higher prices prevailing currently besides Chine traders entry shopping for White Pepper as well as Cambodian Black Pepper  .Vietnamese Dongs strengthening against US $ and sharp increase in freight rates after holidays denting financial conditions of exporters. Hearing huge delays and local suppliers default pauses threat to financial health of exporters.
Prices at close of week 19 were as follows :
Whole Black 500 gl FAQ Pre Cleaned and Destoned US $ 4500 FOB 
Whole Black Pepper 500 gl Asta Cleaned US$4850 FOB 
Whole Black Pepper 550 gl Asta US $ 5000 FOB 
Whole Black pepper 570 gl Asta Cleaned US $ 5100 FOB 
Whole White DW Asta Cleaned US $ 7080 FOB 
Closely follow the market and look at your books and trade is the advice  we can give . Please call us to discuss your needs for pesticide compliant whole Black and White Pepper Corns natural and steam sterilised for June / July Shipments in our option.
Best Regards
Jojan Malayil
United  Spice  Co  Ltd/ Vietnam
+91 9895 4242 90 

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